livedigital SDK usage
See Integration for integration instructions. Further steps assume you have successfully integrated the SDK and host application project can be built as normally.
Choose or create a class in your app that will be the main livedigital services client. Let’s call it
. -
In the beginning of LivedigitalClient.swift file, import the SDK module:
import LiveDigitalSDK
Create an instance of the livedigital services engine and store it as a property in your client class:
private let engine: LiveDigitalEngine private var channelSession: ChannelSession? private var videoSource: VideoSource? private var audioSource: AudioSource? init() { let creds = AppCredentials( id: "put_your_app_id_here", secret: "put_your_app_secret_here") self.engine = StockLiveDigitalEngine(appCredentials: creds) } }
Implement engine’s and session’s delegate protocols to handle appropriate events:
extension LivedigitalClient: LiveDigitalEngineDelegate { ... } extension LivedigitalClient: ChannelSessionDelegate { ... }
To see other peers in channel, your app should handle next events and take care of displaying peer video views:
func peerJoined(_ peer: Peer) { // Show peer as an active member of channel. } func peerDisconnected(_ peerId: PeerId) { // Hide peer from active members list/. } func peerAddedVideoView(peer: Peer, videoView: UIView) { // Display and layout the `videoView`. // This view will render video stream that `peer` broadcasts. }
Prepare for microphone and camera usage. AppInfo.plist file must include non-empty values for
keys. Your app is responsible for requesting user permissions to use microphone and camera. You may use next calls to show system requests:AVAudioSession.sharedInstance().requestRecordPermission { ... } AVCaptureDevice.requestAccess(for: .video) { ... }
Next steps assume that user has granted microphone and camera permissions.
Join to a channel by starting channel session and becoming its delegate:
let channelId = ChannelId(value: "put_your_channel_id_here") let channelSession = engine.connectToChannel(channelId) channelSession.delegate = self self.channelSession = channelSession
Start broadcasting audio and video to the channel:
let videoSource = engine.startVideoSource() session.addVideoSource(videoSource) self.videoSource = videoSource // Display `videoSource.localVideoView` // somewhere to show camera preview. let audioSource = engine.startAudioSource() session.addAudioSource(audioSource) self.audioSource = audioSource
You will need at least two separate devices to test audio/video conferences appropriately. But for more convenient debug process, you may use next flag to make quick tests with just a single device:
channelSession.shouldShowLocalPeer = true